More Ways to Give

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Seacrest Foundation (760) 516-2019  |

While an outright gift of cash is the most common way to make a charitable contribution, there are more ways to support Seacrest Foundation and help seniors in need while receiving a tax benefit.

Please consult your tax advisor regarding your own tax situation related to charitable contributions. Contact Seacrest Foundation for transfer instructions if you want to make a gift in any of these ways.

Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) from your IRA

A QCD from an IRA allows individuals who are 70 1/2 years old to donate up to $100,000 to charitable organizations directly from their IRA, without that donation being counted as taxable income when it is withdrawn. This is an excellent way to save on income tax on your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRA.

Stocks and Appreciated Securities

Appreciated securities are those securities that are worth more today than when they were acquired. By making a charitable contribution directly to a charity, you can save on income tax and capital gains tax.

Donor Advised Funds

A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving account designed exclusively to invest, grow, and give assets to charities for meaningful and lasting impact. You will get a tax deduction when you fund your DAF.


Spread your gift over time and benefit from the tax deduction every year.


Add Seacrest Foundation to your will/estate plan and save on estate tax.

Donate Real Estate

Donate a property to Seacrest and avoid capital gains tax.

Charitable Lead Trust

Create a trust that pays income to Seacrest Foundation, and then pass to your heirs. Reduce your gift and estate taxes.

Charitable Gift Annuity

A charitable gift annuity is a simple contract between you and a charity. In exchange for a gift of
cash or securities, the charity agrees to pay you and/or someone else you choose a fixed
amount for life. After your lifetime, the remaining principal in the annuity establishes an
endowment fund in your name for the charity. Seacrest Foundation works closely with The
Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego for charitable gift annuities.

Life Insurance

Name Seacrest Foundation as beneficiary in an existing policy or fund a new policy for an income tax deduction in the year(s) of policy payment.

Retirement Plan

Name Seacrest Foundation as a beneficiary of the remainder of your assets after your lifetime. Reduce your income tax and avoid heavily taxed gifts to heirs. We can help answer any additional questions you might have. Contact Robin Israel at (760) 516-2018
or to have a conversation about making
 an even greater impact in the lives of Seacrest seniors in need.